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Niches 'Gone in a Blink' Interview

I have been joined by 'Niches' who have answered some questions about their new single 'Gone in a Blink' so you can find out more about it!

Welcome back to totally music how have you been?

We’ve been well thank you, keeping busy!

You’ve just released your new song ‘ Gone in a blink’ would you like to tell us about it?

Give it a listen… We reckon you’ll like it! The sound is a bit different than what we’ve made before, but definitely a good direction.

What was the inspiration behind the song?

We all started to obsess over wolf Alice which you can definitely hear as an influence. Massively influenced by the Stone Roses, New Order and Wet Leg.

Did you face any challenges around the creation of the song? If so how did you over come them?

This song has been pretty easy to write, it all came quite naturally. There were moments within arranging where we stumbled on what to do, but it all came together quite nicely. We struggled with the ending but we are happy with the final outcome - you never know we may do a different version one day!

What is your favourite set of lyrics from the song and why?

Probably the bridge - I like the fact that the lyrics aren’t so serious. Actually there are some hidden lyrics within the track, when coming out of the bridge the voices speaking over each other is actually Lilli explaining the different definitions of ‘Gone in a blink’ which Louis then layered together to make it sound like it does!!!

How did you come up with the art work for the song?

The first idea Lilli came up with was using morse code and spelling out ‘Gone In A Blink’ , we all really liked that as a visual, but felt there needed to be more. Lilli then developed it further by combining a photo of her brothers eye and a blurry photograph of a clock and that created the main visual. Using different textures and exploring different colours, the final outcome combine both ideas and creates an interesting visual. I think we wanted a more complex looking cover art for this single as this song has a lot of hidden parts too, so it's quite mysterious. She took a lot of inspiration from Peter Saville who designed the Joy Divison and New Order album covers.

What memories will you take away from the creation of the song?

Matt and Louis spending hours listening to synth noises, while Matt had his motorbike helmet on. But also when the song idea was created. We where sat in a rehearsal a little tired and matt start playing the main chorus riff, then Lilli randomly started singing, Gone in a blink, and we all just thought, yep this is something we want to keep writing.

Is there anything you’ve learnt during the process that will help you in the future?

To go with our gut, and to produce music that we all like making. But overall 5 coffees and kebab before 11am is a bad idea! Yes a kebab, Alf will eat anything.

What’s next for you?

We are very excited to be supporting swim school on February the 4th and We are hoping to record an EP and maybe perform at some festivals!!

If you would like to check out 'Niches' you can find them here:

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