I have been joined by 'Midnight Run' who have answered some questions about their band so you can find out more about them!
Welcome to Totally Music, would you like to introduce yourself?
Hey we are Midnight Run! We are an indie folk rock band based in London, who formed after the first lockdown in 2020.
Where did the name Midnight Run come from?
The name came from two places, firstly I loved the movie Midnight Run with Robert De Niro, but the name had no relevance to what we were doing, but I always had the name in the back of my mind.
As we started meeting up for writing & recording sessions in the beginning, we would often do a few beer runs to keep the creativity going. We quickly realized that the last chance we could buy beer was midnight, as the license expired for the convenience stores to sell alcohol. It became a running joke “Who’s going on the Midnight Run?, it’s your turn” sort of thing. Then the name had relevance, and it sat well for all of us to use it.
You’ve recently released your new single “The March” would you like to tell us about the song?
The lyrics insinuate hypocrisy aimed at politicians “no hope for the boys in blue, banging on, singing to their own tune”. Toying with the idea of leaving the UK in search of an alternate nation - “I see everybody going upstream, upstream without a paddle it seems”. The chorus takes on the illusion of a brass band marching down the street while many join the expedition.
What has been your favourite musical memory?
I think for us, it’s writing the songs and hearing them come to life in the recording session. I think that’s the most exciting part. We have a song to be released this summer titled “Soulard”, which was one of the first tracks we worked on. We took it from a basic acoustic track to another level, we had only known each other for 2 months at that point, and was the tell tale sign that the collaboration between Jacob & myself was strong.
What is your most memorable gig & why?
Well we are yet to have our first gig. We’ve spent most of this year recruiting other musicians for live performances. We have only just started rehearsals, we will hopefully be on the stage writing memories at the end of the summer.
If you could play a gig alongside any other musical artist, who would it be & why?
The La’s or Oasis, purely because the energy would be massive. I’d pretend to play guitar in the background and watch the crowd go fucking nuts!
What is one thing you’ve learnt during your musical career?
Keep things simple! You begin to realise after a long period of time, that you are writing for a mass audience who isn’t interested in how clever you think your song is.
What are your interests outside of music?
Beer, music & footy, not usually in that order, but definitely up there.
If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be & why?
I miss the days when A&R reps would sign you up to a label off the back of one gig, promise you the world and give you a ridiculous amount of money in advance. That would be nice, but unfortunately we have missed the boat by three decades haha.
What’s next for you?
Well our next single “Burning Bright” is out at the end of May, so we are looking forward to seeing what buzz that creates. As mentioned before, we are looking to get on the stage towards the end of the summer. If all goes according to plan we will start reaching out to management companies at the end of the year.
If you would like to check out 'The Montagues' Music you can find all their social media here: