I have been joined by 'Jezz from Carbon Kid' who has answered some questions about so you can find out about them!
Welcome to Totally Music would you like to introduce yourself?
Hey i'm Jezz, I write and perform lofi indie music under the alias of Carbon Kid.
How did you come up with the name Carbon Kid?
Carbon Kid was a track featured on Test Drive Unlimited that really struck a chord with me back in 2006. It's from a Manchester based band called Alpinestar and featured Placebo's Brian Molko. For me the name represents living to learn but on the flipside, everything is finite and we should make the most of what we have.
How would you describe Carbon Kid's music?
The project is heavily inspired/influenced by the likes of Foals, Cannons, even Coffee & TV by Blur haha. Right now, we're going for LoFi indie and it feels good!
What can your fans expect from you?
I'm looking to release my first single in December and ideally, would love to tour next summer. We're some way off that right now but i'm working closely with my team to make that happen.
How did you first get into music?
I was born to a deaf mother so my influences as a child were limited. I started playing the piano at around 6 years old but never truly developed an ability to read music. I passed my grades up to grade 6 by ear and slowly started to realise, coincidentally that i might just have the 'ear' for this. I picked up a guitar at 14 and started jamming with friends at 16. The rest follows like you'd expect, gigs here there and everywhere haha.
What inspires you as an artist?
Movies, TV Series, awe inspiring people and places.
How do you differ from other artists
I wouldn't be able to tell you how i differ, all i know is, my songs are my own and maybe you'll be able to relate to my music in a different way from others. Hmmm.... tough, but great question!
What do you enjoy most about being a musician?
Music is a form of expression. I seem to enter this headspace, particularly when i'm writing where music is my whole world for those moments and I shut the rest of the world out. It's my retreat, i guess!
What is your proudest accomplishment as a musician?
So far, finally getting this first single out, it's been a long hard road. I think this project has legs and I'm sure milestones and goals will make themselves more clear with each and every day. I love having something to aim for.
What is your dream venue to play a gig at?
I'd love to perform at Leeds Arena, it's a city that's given me so much & i've seen some incredible artists play there. Imagine telling people that you've played at the same venue as Kendrick Lamar & Good Charlotte. Stuff of dreams. Your friends in Kovic have reached those heights, I'm sure they still feel that buzz!
Do you have any interests or hobbies outside of music, if so what are they?
You know what, it's mainly keeping fit. It's so good for the mind too & it helps me unlock so much of my potential. I raise money for charity every year too, invariably through some form of sporting event, so it's a great excuse to stay fit.
What's next for you?
My first single will be out before Xmas, getting things in place to make that a success is paramount to me. I've got some great people around me so fingers crossed we can pull it out the bag!
If you would like to check out 'Carbon Kids' Music you can find all their social media here: