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An Interview with Two Bad Bricks

I have been joined by Kim from 'Two Bad Bricks' who has answered some questions so you can find out a bit more about the band!

Welcome to Totally Music would you like to introduce yourself?

My name is Kim, I'm the singer & guitarist for Two Bad Bricks. We make acoustic alt rock along with Scott on percussion.

How did you meet?

Scott and I met in 2016-2017. I had a roommate who worked with Scott and she told me about how great of a drummer he was. She connected me with him by email, I sent him a demo and he replied having put a whole percussion track on it haha! I was pretty blown away. I met him at his studio shortly after that and we started recording stuff from that first day.

How did you come up with the name ‘Two Bad Bricks’

Two Bad Bricks is actually a Buddhist story. It's about a monk who builds a beautiful wall with 1000 bricks, but 2 of them just aren't perfect and he can't get over it. It eats up at him. The moral of the story is to accept the imperfections. I think that's big for us, because we don't like to overproduce our songs and always want to keep an element of rawness. We chose this name during that time around 2017 and both of us were really into meditating at that time.

How would you describe the music you create?

I think I would say it's a bit desert rock, a bit grunge, a bit alternative and slow rock. Finding one genre is too difficult

What has been your favourite song you have written and why?

Probably a song called "6 Minutes From The Radio", it's not out yet! The song is in drop C, I love the heaviness of my guitar and the range I sign in is perfect for my voice. The lyrics are quite random but I like that, I didn't write it with anything specific in mind and I enjoy that story can be whatever you want it to be.

What are your favourite set of lyrics?

On our first single "Divine", I wrote "Your flowers are looking awful, I want them in brighter colours". I wrote this from the perspective of someone who is battling with addiction, and everything in life seems shit because all you want to do is get high. Even a gesture from a loved one like bringing flowers for support is tainted because you feel like it would be so much better or brighter if you'd be high.

If you could collab with anyone who would it be and why?

Lynn Gunn from PVRIS. Her production work is amazing, it's heavy, polished, complex and very different from our sound. I really admire her and it would be cool to work with someone who is in the same sort of rock umbrella as us but who takes a more pop/beats approach than us.

What has been your favourite performance and why?

We haven't had the chance to play a ton of shows yet, I was away in Australia all of last year while writing the album and Scott was back in Montreal. But the last show we did was in a grungy little bar, the soundcheck was a nightmare lol, and we still played and had a lot of fun at the end of the day. That's what it's all about!

If you could perform anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

I'd love for Two Bad Bricks to do an Australian tour one day. I love that country, I spent 2 years of my life there and met a lot of great people. It would be awesome to play proper shows in front of my Aussie friends.

What’s next for you?

We're currently finishing our debut album that will be out this winter. We're stoked to show it to everyone and we can't wait to play more shows for everyone to hear our songs.

If you would like to check out 'Two Bad Bricks' you can find their music here:

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