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All Now 'Crowded Basement' Song Review

Release date: 22nd July 2022

All Now released this latest single “Crowded Basement” on the 22nd July and all I can say is wow!

This song really grabs your attention from the first beat and the whole song is just full of energy!

The lyrics are extremely catchy and after only a couple of listens I was already singing along to it.

Being completely honest I am not really into full rock music but this song has what I can only be described as a ‘twist’ with it that just made me really enjoy it and it will be one I am 100% adding to my playlist.

I feel that there is something special about ‘Crowded Basement” that will allow audiences that listen to all different types of music to enjoy this song. It really does capture their talent and it is one song that I think you do want to listen too.

I love the artwork and although it is very simplistic it’s extremely effective. It also captures the bands roots with as it features the Road House In Manchester which is a basement music club, a perfect link to the song title.

I would highly recommend you check out All Nows music as you won’t be disappointed

If you would like to check out 'All Now' Music you can find all their social media here:

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